MSSA Application Process
Tour and Observation
Touring the campus gives parents an opportunity to observe classrooms, see facility, and have questions answered about the programs. Please note that tours and observation sessions are for parents only. Tours are scheduled by appointment through the Admission office or through our website.
A completed Application for Admission and a non-refundable $85.00 application fee are required for each student seeking admission. Applications are accepted throughout the year; however, for optimum consideration for the upcoming school year, applications should be submitted no later than February.
If you’ve already taken a tour, you can apply for the school year here.
Records Request / Teacher Recommendation
Sign and return the Request for Records form with the completed application. A Confidential Evaluation Form, sent from the Admission Office to the child’s present school, must be received prior to acceptance. This information is necessary to make the application process complete.
Student Interview
Upon receipt of the completed application, records, and recommendation forms, the Admission Office will schedule an interview with a faculty member who will assess academic and oral communication skills. Interviews are intended to familiarize students with the school, to assess his or her readiness for a Montessori program, and to determine appropriate classroom placement. Occasionally, a classroom visitation will also be recommended following the interview. The interview and visitation process begins at the age of three and establishes a mutual understanding of Montessori education between families and the school.
Admission Decisions
Parents will be notified of the admission decision as soon as possible by email or phone. Enrollment contracts are offered on a space-available basis.
Enrollment Options
Upon notice of acceptance: If an opening is immediately available, an Enrollment Contract is offered in order to secure the child’s place. A non-refundable Enrollment Deposit of $ 750.00 is required with each signed contract.
If an appropriate space is not available, a Reservation form will be issued. Upon return of the Reservation form, the child’s name will be placed on a Waiting List. Students are admitted from the Waiting List based on availability of space. Parents will be contacted when an appropriate opening becomes available. If space is not immediately available, students on the Waiting List receive priority enrollment consideration for the following school year.
Admission Policy
The Montessori School of San Antonio is coeducational and accepts qualified students regardless of race, color, gender, creed, or national origin. All incoming students must be three years old as of the first day of school and fully toilet-trained. Admission decisions are based upon the space available and an evaluation of the suitability of Montessori Program for each student. Generally, priority consideration for enrollment is given to applicants in the following order: (1) qualified siblings of current MSSA students; (2) qualified students with previous Montessori experience; (3) all other qualified applicants. Great care is taken to maintain a balance by gender, age, and learning differences and styles in each classroom.
Every student enrolled at The Montessori School of San Antonio must be immunized against vaccine-preventable diseases in accordance with the immunization schedule adopted by the Texas Department of State Health Services. The only exception to the foregoing requirement is a medical exemption signed by the student’s treating physician (M.D. or D.O.). MSSA does not consider conscience-based exemptions.
The Montessori School of San Antonio admits students of any race, color, gender, creed, or national origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, creed, or national origin in employment or in its administration of its educational policies, admission policies, financial aid programs, athletics, or other school-administered programs.

MSSA nurtures responsibility and time management – working with a planner each week helps our children understand their responsibilities and track their own progress in each subject.”
- Lower and Upper Elementary Parent