About Us


The Montessori School of San Antonio is accredited by the Independent School Association of the Southwest. ISAS is an organization of 89 schools spread across Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas, and Louisiana. ISAS is recognized by the Texas Private School Accreditation Commission. Other local schools accredited by ISAS include San Antonio Academy, St. Luke’s, Saint Mary’s Hall, Keystone School, and TMI.

ISAS accreditation requires adherence to a set of rigorous standards of best practices of independent schools. Following a thorough self-study, an accreditation team composed of experts from other ISAS schools conducts a three-day visit every 10 years, scrutinizing every aspect of the school’s programs and operations. Documented responses to the recommendations of the visiting team are required at interim intervals.


MSSA Faculty & Staff


Emily Lund, Head of School
Theresa Powers, Asst Head of School
Brandon Petrosky, Business Manager
Maru Galarza, Director of Admission
Chris Noel, Director of Communications
Jon Ollis, Director of Facilities
Kristin Fojtik, Director of Development

Cynthia Gonzalez, Information Technology
Michelle Felix, Nurse
Jule Metoyer, Admin Asst/Admission Asst
Jennifer Hopkins, Receptionist
Elizabeth Holland, Bookkeeper
Jessica Harrison, Counselor
Daniel Torres, Counselor

Teachers & Assistants


Angie Jones, Teacher
Kathleen Kapp, Classroom Assistant
Lisa Fish, Teacher
Jimena Hastings, Classroom Assistant

Gabriella Christal, Teacher
Judy Korge, Classroom Assistant
Susan McGinty, Teacher
Barbara Munoz Aguirre, Classroom Assistant
Sofia Garcia, Teacher
Nancy Alvarado, Classroom Assistant


Sumi Chaudhuri, Teacher
Casey Jansen, Classroom Assistant
Pranita Patel, Teacher
Angela Updike, Classroom Assistant
Lauren Talley, Teacher
Michelle Bovill, Classroom Assistant
McKenna Dahl, Teacher
Lynn Ortiz, Classroom Assistant


John Pettit, Teacher
Addison Valadez, Classroom Assistant
Anne Shadle, Teacher
Judi Abbott, Classroom Assistant
Cassandra Treviño, Teacher
Reem Rashid, Classroom Assistant
Shannon Pettit, Teacher
Brynn Lott, Classroom Assistant


Josh Duelm, History Teacher
Shauna Cardenas, English Teacher
Athena Klock, Math Teacher

Lorraine Spencer, Science Teacher 


Becca Morgan, Music Teacher
Michelle Taylor, Music Teacher
Carmen Harris, Spanish Teacher
Maria del Pilar Camelo, Spanish Teacher
Leticia Obregon, PE Teacher
Brenda Estrada, PE Teacher
Louis Alvarado, PE Teacher
Vincent Alvarado, PE/ASP Sub
Margo McCarthy, Art Teacher
Lisa Christal, Librarian
Kristina Richards, Asst Librarian/Registrar


Leticia Obregon, Director of After School Programs
Charissa Bailey, Coordinator of Athletics & Club Sports
Patty Escobedo, Childcare Coordinator
Sandra Alvarado, Childcare Instructor
Angela Streed, Childcare Instructor
Blanca Rivas, Childcare Instructor
Danielle Alvarez, Childcare Instructor

MSSA Board of Trustees

With 11 members from a variety of professional backgrounds, but all with a common passion for MSSA and Montessori education, MSSA Board of Trustees meets regularly with Head of School Emily Lund and MSSA Business Manager, Brandon Petrosky. The primary work of the Board of Trustees is to ensure and protect the long-term welfare and interest of the school and its mission. Each Trustee holds office for one or two three-year terms, not to exceed six years. Specific committees outlined in the Board By-Laws allow members to focus on specific objectives. These committees include: Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Institutional Advancement Committee, Committee on Trustees and other committees created as needed (Security, Policy Review, Building, etc.). Board members include ten current parents—with 16 current students and  one alumni parent—with two MSSA graduates.

To ensure the institution remains financially strong for our children’s children and to preserve and actively support the school in the realization of its mission.


Tim Biela
Board Chair

Alex Nava
Board Vice Chair

Natalie Jones
Institutional Advancement Chair

Monica Hall
Committee on Trustees Chair

Bellinda Conte

Sarah Shakil

Board Members

David Gibson

Natalie Jones

Page Judson

Andy Morales

Lisa Vargas

Jennifer Yantis